In-Game Features

Set Your Own Speed

Set Your Own Speed

Yggdrasil offers flexible XP rates ranging from 1x to 5x for free and 6x to 10x for Vote Tokens. Talk to the Ethereal Time-Warper at any starter zone or in Stormwind or Orgrimmar to set your speed.

Elevated Rates


We are running elevated rates to increase your Quality of Life on Yggdrasil without ruining the grind the game is so well known for. Our professions, gold, skills, and reputation rates are 2x. Log in today to enjoy them!

Custom Druid Shapeshifts

The Shapeshift Morpher

Druids are intrinsically related to the beasts of Azeroth, yet they could previously not possess more than a handful of beast forms. With the discovery of ancient Kaldorei magic in a long-lost medallion sold by Ethereal merchants, however, druids now possess the ability to morph their shapeshifts into over 150 novel forms. Visit the Mall to buy your own Kaldorei Medallion and start gathering druid morphs today.

Azeroth Flight

Azeroth Flight

To facilitate movement in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, Yggdrasil's Feathers of Azeroth can wrap your flying mounts' wings in feathers that permit their use in the old world. Visit the bird breeder in the Yggdrasil Mall or check out the in-game store to learn more about the Feathers of Azeroth.

The Yggdrasil Mall

The Yggdrasil Mall

Yggdrasil's custom features and vendors are gathered at our Mall. We routinely add custom features here aimed at increasing players' Quality of Life. This includes the experience boosters, Heirloom vendors, vanity item and companion vendors charging Vote Tokens, and more. Simply speak to Twiggy to teleport to the Mall. Twiggy's Mall teleport is available to all players upon reaching level 10.


Transmog Vendor

Yggdrasil offers both Transmogrification and a custom currency system rewarding end-game gameplay with Activity Tokens. These tokens can be exchanged for items under item level 200 at the Transmog Item Vendor. This is our in-house specialist NPC who helps you execute your planned transmogs. You can find a transmogrifier at any capital's enchanting trainer and the Transmog Item Vendor at the Yggdrasil Mall.

Auction House Bot

AH Bot

In order to keep the economy flowing, Yggdrasil sports a balanced and maintained Auction House Bot. Stop by any Auction House today to satisfy your auction needs.

Currency Exchange

Currency Exchange

Your Vote tokens can be exchanged into Emblems of Frost (5:1), Emblems of Triumph (1:1) and Activity Tokens (15:1) to be used as you see fit. Visit the Currency Exchanger at the Mall and make your trade.

Class Trainers in Dalaran

Class Trainers in Dalaran

To ease the burden of training your skills, all class' trainers are present at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran, ready to share their plethora of wisdom with you. Take the Mall portal to Dalaran to visit any trainer today.

Auction House Features

Auction House Features

To lift the burden of heavy auction deposits, all auction deposit fees have been reduced to 20% and the max auction duration has been extended to 7 days. Visit any Auction House to take advantage of these features.

Profession Booster

Profession Booster

At Yggdrasil, we believe end-game activity should be rewarded. As such, players can purchase any 450/450 profession of their choice for between 50 to 100 Emblems of Frost per Profession. Visit the Profession Booster at the mall to service your profession needs.