
Greetings, everyone! A new round of changes has been implemented:

Community system part 2: Player submissions!

The time has come for the next part of the community system!
- Now, players will now be rewarded Community Tokens for public posts on social media, Discord, Youtube etc. for content endorsing Yggdrasil and our community.
- For example, you can post screenshots of your in-game activities in or on Facebook, or post quest help videos on YouTube.
- Picture content is worth 1 Community Token per post and video content 2 Community Tokens per post.
- Community Tokens can be spent on in-game goodies and VIP. To be rewarded your Community Token, you must open a ticket for verification.
- We reward Community Tokens for the week's valid entries every Sunday at latest.

Level-up gold rewards

To easen the burden of paying for spells while maintaining the original trainer system, players now receive a gold reward per 10 levels from level 20 through level 80.

Minigob Manatickle:

No more bonkers manabonking! Minigob Manabonk has been rescripted to tickle players instead of sheeping them. After being hit by a tickle attack, he turns attackable and roams for a short while so you can take your revenge. Bonk wands are not mailed anymore but instead looted from his corpse post-tickle.

Druid Morphing increases travel speed!

For every 10 travel morphs collected, your travel form increases by 10% from its base speed, up to a total of 50% increase (ie. 90% speed while in travel form).

Wintergrasp flight path FFAPVP

Players that use flight masters to fly past Wintergrasp will no longer be flagged for PVP when their taxi trip leaves Wintergrasp.

Grouped Community channels

The Discord channels that regard community interactions are now grouped in a dedicated category.