Announcement 2024-11-14
More Updates!
This time around, we bring the following changes:
1. Shadows
Introducing Shadows, the perfect opportunity to extend your gameplay by allowing you to log in up to two of your alts as party bots while you control your favorite character! Quick summary:
- From level 15 and up, look for the Time-Lost Void in your bag to get started. Your Shadows are active for as long as they are in a party with you.
- Their main usecase and design is geared towards dungeons, but they can also partake in open-world gameplay and raiding.
- This functionality is based on the AzerothCore playerbots module with additional custom adjustments to align better with Blizzlike gameplay.
- While the Shadows can be managed effectively using simple chat-based messages, for those that prefer a graphical way to interact with them, consider looking into the Unbot addon.
- Shadows must be within 10 levels of you, applicable to enter the zone you're trying to bring them to, and above level 15.
2. Redesigned Respawn Times on Gatherable Objects
We've made significant changes to the respawn times of gatherable objects. Pool sizes have been increased between 20% to 40% based on extensive testing and player input for most zones. Additionally, average respawn times have been reduced by between 20% to 50% depending on the zone and gather pool. High respawn-time pool entries would shift low respawn-time entries up as they'd become averaged, which these changes accommodate for.
3. Login Screen News
Important updates, notifications and more will now be shared to all players through the character selection screen.
Remember, if you have any questions about our features, including these new ones, don't hesitate to ask your Twiggy.