
Development update

Greetings, players! The last few weeks we've worked on a number of smaller changes to increase the Quality of Life for your gameplay on Yggdrasil.


- Every time we have a server crash or hiccup, we bring out our best diagnostics tools.
- We had three crashes on 2024-11-27 caused by events scheduled on dereferenced creatures (ICC gunship and Zel'frax).
- An I/O issue also led to a stuck MySQL thread on 2024-12-01.
- These issues have now been worked out.

Quality of Life Changes:

1. Auction House changes: Max auction duration has been extended from 48 hours to 7 days based on player input.
2. Website changes: We have made a PvE statistics page on the website ( Kudos to Xeen for leading the LK kills scoreboard! It currently covers ICC. Drop us a suggestion if you want more raids/encounters covered!
3. Dalaran Enchanter changes: As we now have a permanent presence of players with enchanting on the server, the Dalaran Enchanter is no longer needed. Accordingly, he will be phased out during December. On 2024-12-15, we are increasing the price of the Dalaran Enchanter's services to 5 Vote Tokens per enchant. Come year end, he will retire and his services will no longer be available.
4. Crossfaction Shadows: Shadows now support crossfaction interaction.