
Full account transfers

Greetings, everyone!

This is a reminder that we still offer full account transfers until the end of this year! For those of you that are interested in but have not yet transferred, please see to learn more.

We'd love to have you!

The Yggdrasil Staff
Community Event Announcement!

Hello fellow citizens of Yggdrasil!

Get ready to flex your creativity and show off your adventures with our monthly Screenshot Contest!

Event Details:

When: Monthly event
Where: Post your best in-game screenshots in the Discord Scrapbook channel.
Rewards: The Rewards will be given out for your submissions on the first of every month!

1. Screenshots must be taken in-game on our server.
2. Only one submission will be awarded.
3. Be respectful and keep it SFW.
4. Winners are to be chosen based on whichever post gets the most engagement (Reactions on discord) so vote for your mates!

Let's see those legendary moments! Good luck, and may the Light guide your shutter finger!

Post now and…

Development update

Greetings, players! The last few weeks we've worked on a number of smaller changes to increase the Quality of Life for your gameplay on Yggdrasil.


- Every time we have a server crash or hiccup, we bring out our best diagnostics tools.
- We had three crashes on 2024-11-27 caused by events scheduled on dereferenced creatures (ICC gunship and Zel'frax).
- An I/O issue also led to a stuck MySQL thread on 2024-12-01.
- These issues have now been worked out.

Quality of Life Changes:

1. Auction House changes: Max auction duration has been extended from 48 hours to 7 days based on player input.
2. Website changes: We have made a PvE statistics page on the website (…

More Updates!

This time around, we bring the following changes:

1. Shadows

Introducing Shadows, the perfect opportunity to extend your gameplay by allowing you to log in up to two of your alts as party bots while you control your favorite character! Quick summary:
- From level 15 and up, look for the Time-Lost Void in your bag to get started. Your Shadows are active for as long as they are in a party with you.
- Their main usecase and design is geared towards dungeons, but they can also partake in open-world gameplay and raiding.
- This functionality is based on the AzerothCore playerbots module with additional custom adjustments to align better with Blizzlike gameplay.
- While the Shadows can be managed effectively using simple chat-based…

Scheduled Maintenance

Tomorrow morning, Thursday 2024-11-14, the server and website will be inaccessible for 1 hour between 07:00-08:00 AM server time for implementation of updates.

Update Day!

Some of our recent work is finally ready for you! This time around, we bring the following changes:

1. Feathers of Azeroth revamped

Your Feathers of Azeroth are now able to wrap the wings of your current mounts with their feathers to let you use your normal flying mounts all over Azeroth! You can also select a standard mount that auto casts on using the Feathers. The mount applied is now persistent and will not reset its pitch on zone changes nor randomly fall off, as opposed to the flight form used previously.

2. Transmog Tokens are now Activity Tokens

By popular demand, Transmog Tokens have been repurposed to Activity Tokens. As you may already know, these can already be used at the Transmog Item vendor and for EoT…